Happy Thanksgiving AKA Turkey Day

Hello readers!!! Happy Thanksgiving to you all! I hope you spent the day with your loved ones and lots of food. I know I did. This was the first Thanksgiving I’ve hosted and it turned out really well. The only dish I messed up was the yams. However, they were still tasty. Just a little more liquidy than usual! Here is my day in pictures!





I am thankful for so many things this year. Here’s to name a few:

1.) I have an amazingly supportive and loving family. And although they live on the opposite end of the country, I still get to communicate with them.

2.) I’m thankful for my amazing boyfriend. Whom without, I’d be very lonely and not have as many adventures under my belt. He is my one and only. ❤

3.) I'm thankful for my sweet fur babies. They are always there to comfort me and/or play with me. Not to mention they're super cute.

4.) I'm thankful for my job. Times are hard as far as finding a job and I'm lucky to have one. Especially one that doesn't require me to work on holidays.

5.) I'm thankful for the roof over my head and the food in my belly.

6.) I'm thankful that I am about to graduate. I can't believe I am about be done with school!

7.) I'm thankful for you guys! I'm so happy to have all of you read my blog. I'm so new to blogging but all of your comments really mean a lot.

Thank you all for stopping by! Enjoy the rest of Turkey Day!!!! 🙂


Fall Baking

Happy November everyone!!!! Welcome to the coldest month of the fall. I’ve been waiting all year to bake a fall pie, and last weekend I was finally able to find the time. This is my very first pie and I have to say, it turned out quite well. Maybe it was luck, or maybe I just underestimated my baking skills!

I found this recipe on Pinterest of course. If you would like to follow the recipe, click on the link below.


I love most pies… but, there is no pie like Pecan Pie.

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Please let me know if you have any questions about what I used! And don’t forget to check out thecountrycook.net for more delicious recipes!


Fried Chicken

Hello everyone! Tonight I made a delicious meal. It has been a while since I’ve made a home cooked meal. I have been quite busy. Tonight I had time to make a scrumptious dinner.

I pulled this recipe from Pinterest. Here is the link in case you want to check it out!

Preheat your oven to 400 degrees farenheit.

Then, melt a half stick butter in a pan.

Mix together:
1/2 tsp salt
1tsp season all
3/4 tsp pepper
1c flour
2 tsp paprika


Soak chicken breasts in a bowl of milk for 25 min.

Shake excess milk off and dip the chicken in your seasoned flour. Be sure to fully coat the chicken.


Place the chicken in the pan and bake for 20 min. Flip over chicken bake for another 20 min.


My First Attempt At Homemade Chocolate Chip Cookies

Imagine this. You’re twenty two years old and have never made chocolate chip cookies from scratch by yourself. I know what you’re thinking…. Sad and pathetic right? Well, other then the occasional licking the spoon full of cookie dough while I was supposed to be learning how to make cookies, this is the case. I’ve never made homemade cookies by myself.

I decided I would try it out the other night. So I went on Pinterest (because how else would I find the perfect cookie recipe) and pinned a basic chocolate chip cookie recipe. I made a list of items I would need, and went shopping!

As I started to read the directions on mixing the ingredients together, I thought to myself, This seems easy enough. Well, turns out I was wrong. Making something for the first time can be challenging.


For example, I didn’t read ahead and so I stumbled through a few steps. But all in all… Those cookies turned out delicious!!




One thing I would’ve done differently?? I would’ve skipped the wax paper on the pan. I ended up pealing wax paper off the bottom of my cookies before I ate them! Lol!

This is the recipe from Pinterest if you want to give it a go!


Have a good night all!!!


Sometimes I Like To Cook

 Growing up my Mom didn’t teach me a lot about cooking. It’s not because she didn’t want to. Her nurturing soul preferred preparing everything for her family. That’s fine. Unfortunately, it has left me with no cooking skills. Being a college student and living on taco bell has served me well. But, bean and cheese burritos only add on the pounds and lack proper nutrition.

When I moved in with my lovely boyfriend nearly two years ago, I realized I needed to start learning how to cook. I’ve taken it upon myself to become the next Suzy homemaker. So far, I’ve master grilling, frying, and baking chicken; chopping, dicing, mincing veggies; and no one makes pasta like I do. (Well, I guess I’m being a little cocky there.) 😉

Anyway, tonight I made Broccoli Chicken Alfredo and mastered the impossible task of popping Texas Toast in the oven for seven minutes. 😉 Here’s how it turned out.1526981_10152253741297190_357834387441635784_n10620702_10152253741912190_3582829639318068873_n




I hope you’re hungry now! Bon Appetite!
