Happy Thanksgiving AKA Turkey Day

Hello readers!!! Happy Thanksgiving to you all! I hope you spent the day with your loved ones and lots of food. I know I did. This was the first Thanksgiving I’ve hosted and it turned out really well. The only dish I messed up was the yams. However, they were still tasty. Just a little more liquidy than usual! Here is my day in pictures!





I am thankful for so many things this year. Here’s to name a few:

1.) I have an amazingly supportive and loving family. And although they live on the opposite end of the country, I still get to communicate with them.

2.) I’m thankful for my amazing boyfriend. Whom without, I’d be very lonely and not have as many adventures under my belt. He is my one and only. ❤

3.) I'm thankful for my sweet fur babies. They are always there to comfort me and/or play with me. Not to mention they're super cute.

4.) I'm thankful for my job. Times are hard as far as finding a job and I'm lucky to have one. Especially one that doesn't require me to work on holidays.

5.) I'm thankful for the roof over my head and the food in my belly.

6.) I'm thankful that I am about to graduate. I can't believe I am about be done with school!

7.) I'm thankful for you guys! I'm so happy to have all of you read my blog. I'm so new to blogging but all of your comments really mean a lot.

Thank you all for stopping by! Enjoy the rest of Turkey Day!!!! 🙂


Fall Baking

Happy November everyone!!!! Welcome to the coldest month of the fall. I’ve been waiting all year to bake a fall pie, and last weekend I was finally able to find the time. This is my very first pie and I have to say, it turned out quite well. Maybe it was luck, or maybe I just underestimated my baking skills!

I found this recipe on Pinterest of course. If you would like to follow the recipe, click on the link below.


I love most pies… but, there is no pie like Pecan Pie.

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Please let me know if you have any questions about what I used! And don’t forget to check out thecountrycook.net for more delicious recipes!


Post Halloween

Hi everyone!!! I hope you all had a fun and safe Halloween weekend!

Whether you stayed in and passed out candy to cute little Elsa’s and Ninja Turtles or you went out in a skirt way too short as a naughty school girl or (if you’re a male) a Spartan, I’m sure many of you got into some fun! I however had an early Halloween on Thursday and got to wear a costume to my Internship. My Halloween weekend consisted of a migraine and fever. Needless to say, I don’t have any cool or scary Halloween stories to tell. But, I’m glad I got to participate in wearing a costume to my internship!

Can you guess what I was?


Yep! A devil.


The wig is from Target, as well as the devil ears. This is the kind of costume you get when you shop for it last minute…

What did you all dress up as? Any spooky stories? Would love to hear them!!!!

Happy November!!!
